English and Portuguese videos 1
Wash Your Hands with Shiga YMCA
The Clean Hands Twist
Kids Dance Song ♪
Let’s keep our hands clean and sanitized to beat the virus!
The Clean Hands Twist original song by ELF LEARNING
♫ LYRICS ♪ 歌詞 ♫
The Clean Hands Twist
Ah~! Wash your hands!
Wash, wash, wash my hands
I’m gonna wash, wash, wash my hands (Rub-a-dub!)
I’m gonna wash, wash, wash my hands
I’m gonna wash, wash, wash my hands (Get ‘em clean!)
Wash your hands! (Wash my hands!)
Wash your hands! (Wash my hands!)
Wash your hands! (Wash my hands!)
I’m gonna wash, wash, wash my hands
How do we wash our hands?
Wet your hands (Wet my hands)
Get some soap (Get some soap)
Wash your palms (Wash my palms)
Between your fingers (Between my fingers)
Fingers in palms (Fingers in palms)
Around the thumbs (Around the thumbs)
Don’t forget the backs (Don’t forget the backs!)
Around the wrist (Around the wrist!)
Now go up, down, turn around
Do the clean hands twist (Oh, yeah!)
Go up, down, turn around
Do the clean hands twist!